Rat Infestation

Not only is a rat infestation unpleasant, but it can also be dangerous. If they are allowed to continue, they can seriously harm your home by nibbling through the insulation, wiring, interior building structures, and furniture. In addition, they are known to harbor over 70 diseases, some of which are easily spread to people.

What Indicates a Rat Infestation and What are the Signs?

The following are some possible indications of a rat infestation:

1.Sightings: A single rat is typically not an isolated incident.

It can indicate that there are more rats around your property.

Since rats want to stay away from people and their dogs, outside cameras, particularly motion-sensing ones, are the best bet for catching them in the act.

2.Citrus that has fallen to the ground but is only partially consumed may indicate rodent activity in your yard. Citrus fruit is also consumed by some birds, but not as frequently as a family of rats.

3.Pets on guard: Your dog or cat can hear and smell things that you can't.

It might be something they sense in your attic if your pets are acting oddly and keeping their gaze glued to the ceiling of your house.

4.Noises: Not all rat-related sounds are inaudible to humans, of course.

You can frequently hear it on a quiet night when rats fight and scratch around in an attic.

If you pay close attention, you can even hear the distinctive squeaks of rats or mice.

How Can a Rat Infestation Be Prevented?

Depriving rats of refuge and food is the key to keeping them out. Let's go over how you can prevent rats from choosing to live in your house.

1.Rats are not given food or water

Rats are adaptable survivors who will eat almost anything to stay alive. They have lived side by side with humans for thousands of years because of this.

It is challenging to completely deny rats access to food. But it doesn't mean you have to make things simple for them.

2.Denying rats shelter

Rats also require a safe haven where they can raise their young and be safe from predators.

Roof rats are notorious for climbing onto roofs using overhanging branches before entering attics through weep holes and vents. Other rats make their homes in dark, quiet backyard areas like lumber piles, abandoned storage sheds, and idle old cars. Rats can find plenty of cover in overgrown bushes and shrubs. Given a place to hide during the day, nocturnal rats will be content to emerge at night in search of food.

For assistance with a rat infestation, contact CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC.

Contact CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC if you have a rodent issue of any kind in the Philadelphia metro region. Our team of skilled and knowledgeable pest control specialists can promptly get rid of rats inside the home. You can rely on our professionals to rid your home of all kinds of rats and pests in a professional manner.



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