Ants Control in Philadelphia

The ants, one of the most successful species on Earth, have spread to almost every continent and have adapted to live in all settings with the exception of the ice fields of Antarctica.

The ants make up between 15 and 25 percent of all animal biomass on Earth out of the more than 12,500 species that have been recognized.

They thus belong to the group of animals that are most prolific on Earth.

Researchers believe that the ants' success as a species, which diverged from ancient wasps over 120 million years ago, is due to their exceptionally well-formed social organization, incredible flexibility, and highly evolved survival instincts.

Here are some effective ways that you can try and prevent ants from infesting your home.

1.     Cut off their supply of food

The simplest technique to keep ants out of your house is to keep it as spotless as you can. Ants won't be drawn to your home if there are no open food sources. All leftovers should be sealed in reusable bags or containers. Clean up crumbs from inside the pantry, inside and around garbage cans, within and around couch cushions, and underneath and around kitchen appliances.

2.     Remove Scent Trails

Although it works well as a general cleaner, vinegar can also be used to evict unwanted visitors from your home (sorry, we don't mean your in-laws). Since the scent trail can only be seen with a microscope, you can find it by observing the paths the ants take. By doing so, you can gain an idea of where the trail begins and ends. Then, to remove the invaders' map, spray a 50/50 mixture of undiluted vinegar and water on your worktops, walls, window sills, etc.

3.     Obstruct all entry points

You might be surprised to learn that ants are tiny. Okay, so this isn't really breaking news, but small ants crawling all over your house suggests that they could be entering from almost anywhere. Although it's probably hard to bar all entrances to your property, look for floorboard cracks or rips in the window screens. To keep ants out of your house, just shut off these entry points.

4.     Organize your lawn.

Ants and other pests can easily enter your home through neighboring foliage or tree branches. To prevent ants from using these as a bridge to a window or other access point, cut any long tree branches and keep any shrubs planted close to the exterior of your home in good shape.

If any of these tips and tricks don’t work, contact CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC for a professional ant extermination. After we finish our work, we guarantee that you won’t have any ant problems in the future. Call us today!


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