Bee removal

Even though pollinating crops is something we can all agree on, bees can be dangerous to your family if they live in or close to your home.

Some species only sting when they feel threatened, but others might sting repeatedly and draw in more pests. Bee traps can be set out, however they only catch certain bees and don't get rid of the problem altogether. Contacting a qualified pest control team is the best course of action for dealing with an infestation. They know the most recent techniques and materials for transferring the bee colony and preventing their return, and they have safety gear to protect them from stings.

How Not to Treat Bees

Many popular methods for getting rid of bees from your home and property don't really solve the issue and can even be harmful.

Bee traps won't work to get rid of the hive, so don't waste your time setting them out.

The colony's entrance cannot be sealed off since they will find a different exit.

They may become enraged if you vacuum it up or cover it with a tarp, putting you in danger.

If you do decide to approach them yourself, don safety gear and keep kids and pets away from them. Approach hives at night, in a quiet area, and without flashing lights.


Reasons Bees May Have Entered Your Space

Sweet foods including fruit, juice, soft beverages, and ice cream are appealing to bees.

They might be attracted to your property. Unwanted bees may be drawn to these meals if you leave them out in the open, have open food containers, or haven't cleaned your garbage cans recently. If bees have actually entered your home, they may have done so in search of a concealed place to build a nest, like a chimney, an attic, or a hollow wall. Once they're inside, it's crucial to call in a pro because different species demand various removal techniques—and might even call for a license. Instead than just killing individual bees, a professional will thoroughly destroy the beehive.

Keeping Bees From Reappearing

Carpenter bees burrow in wood, so treating and painting the wood on your property may be necessary to keep them away.

Other places where bees create nests include rodent burrows, compost piles, sheds, birdhouses, hollow logs, fence posts, and trees.

So thoroughly clearing your yard of compost and debris while inspecting for potential nesting spots is another way to stop their return.

Contact CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC if you require bee removal in Philadelphia.

The highest standards in North America for pest control, environmental stewardship, customer relations, and employee education are met by our QualityPro and GreenPro certifications.


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