Types of rodents that invade your house

A rat or mouse infestation inside a building can be quite dangerous to both people's health and property. Salmonella and other germs are known to spread from several common rodent species. They can also set up allergic reactions and asthma episodes. Ticks, fleas, and lice, among other disease-transmitting parasites, can be carried by them. The risk of electrical fires is increased by the fact that rodents can damage drywall, wood, and electrical wires in addition to posing health risks.

To keep people and property safe, appropriate rodent prevention strategies and knowledge are crucial. Mice can fit through holes no bigger than a quarter's breadth, but rats can fit through apertures no bigger than that. Once inside, females can immediately reproduce. For instance, a single female mouse may give birth to up to 12 young every three weeks, which enables infestations to spread swiftly.

Deer Mice

Region: Deer mice can be found all over the US.

Habitat: Deer mice like to build their nests in rural locations, such as abandoned fence posts, hollow trees, and log heaps.

Although deer mice are rarely a nuisance in residential areas, they can occasionally wander inside during the winter months in search of food and shelter.

During the off-season, they frequently settle in sheds, barns, or cabins.

Threats: Hantavirus, a group of viruses distributed by rodents that can cause kidney, blood, or respiratory problems, as well as occasionally be lethal in humans, is most frequently carried by deer mice.

Inhaling dust particles contaminated with the saliva, feces, or urine of infected deer mice is the main method of virus transmission.

Domestic mice

House mice are the rodent species that are most frequently encountered throughout the United States.

Habitat: House mice often build their nests in isolated, dark corners of buildings.

They can leap up to one foot in the air and are superb climbers, which enables them to access remote or secluded regions.

Threats: By gnawing through materials like drywall and insulation, house mice can seriously harm property.

Additionally, by chewing on wires inside homes, they have been known to start electrical fires.

House mice can contaminate food that has been stored and spread illnesses like Salmonella, which are major health risks.

Norway Rats

Region: Norway rats are widespread and can be found all over the United States, just as other species.

Habitat: Norway rats are generally nocturnal and frequently tunnel under concrete slabs or into waste piles.

When food sources outside become sparse in the fall, this species often enters homes and nests there, usually in basements, crawlspaces, and other undisturbed structures.

Norway rats provide a threat because they can seriously harm property by nibbling through a variety of materials, such as plastic and lead pipes.

Additionally, they are carriers of diseases like the cowpox virus, rat-bite fever, jaundice, and the plague.This species can also bring mites and fleas into the house.

If you have any rodents problems at your home in Philadelphia, or somewhere in the area, your safest solution would be to call CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC. Our professional team will quickly resolve all of your rodent issues!


Apartment pest control


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