Smells that repel termites away

It's not surprise that many people desire to get rid of termites since they are one of the most prevalent pests in Philadelphia. However, the majority of do-it-yourself pest control methods only destroy the individual insects, not the colony. Utilizing organic compounds that termites detest is the most effective technique to repel them. By doing this, you can avoid dealing with the colony in the future.

But which odors do termites detest? What natural compounds are effective at fending them off? These inquiries will be addressed throughout this blog post, along with suggestions on how to employ those organic components as deterrents.

1.     A cedar tree

Termites do not generally find the scent of cedarwood repulsive because they adore wood.

The fact that this wood contains allelochemicals, which termites dislike, makes it less attractive to them. Consider it this way: Cedar oil, which is present in cedarwood, repels termites effectively due to its interaction with allelochemicals. It is not the most effective repellant on this list, but it nonetheless functions.

2.     Geranium

For people, scented geraniums have enticing aromas, but termites detest their smell. Although they don't directly deter termites, they do draw in centipedes, ladybugs, and other termite-eating predators. Thermites are forced to flee the area when these predators gather, giving you time to contact CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC.

3.     Other essential oils and tea tree oil

Use essential oils, such as cinnamon oil, clove bud oil, or the well-known tea tree oil, to protect your property from termites. Simply put them in a mist sprayer and spray them on the damaged areas to deter termites to utilize them effectively. Keep an eye out for termites in your house! You must combine 5 to 10 drops per gallon of water and spray it immediately on the infestation site if you are dealing with a termite colony.

How Do Termites Smell And Communicate?

You would believe that termites can smell anything after reading all the information we provided, but that is untrue. There is no nose on a termite.

How do they then smell tea tree oil or cedarwood oil?

They have antennae that can pick up pheromone scent trails that other termites leave behind to let other termites know where a food supply is.

As you can see, their "smelling" system relies on their antennae rather than their noses as a means of communication to feed their colony. Termites can detect particular odors or pheromones based on messages from their queen.

We at CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC can make sure you never think about termites again! Our pest control business is 5-Star rated and provides efficient termite treatments for your home. To obtain a price, please get in touch with us via phone or through our website.


Tips for rodent control