How to get rid of silverfish

The name "silverfish" comes from the fact that silverfish have a metallic or "silvery" look and move incredibly quickly, almost as they are swimming across a surface.

For silverfish, a moist home is a necessity because they flourish in high-humidity areas like bathrooms, basements, and attics. Silverfish frequently eat wallpaper, books, glue, clothes throughout a house, as well as foods like flour or rolled oats. Learn more about these pests, including how to get rid of silverfish in your home, by reading the information below.

Why do silverfish appear?

Silverfish are fairly frequent in homes, but they also congregate in business buildings like offices and libraries that have an abundant supply of paper products for them to eat.

Once they've located a reliable food source, they're likely to remain there, particularly if it's in a very moist, damp area like a basement or an attic. That’s why you will probably need pest control services.


How to Get Rid of Household Silverfish:

It might be challenging to get rid of silverfish in places like bathrooms, attics, and basements.

Prevention is essential to preventing an infestation because a silverfish infestation in a home can easily go undetected. Some measures to stop these sporadic intruders include:

·      The best way to get rid of silverfish is to cut off their food source. Although silverfish can go for long periods of time without food, keeping paper items like cardboard, used books, and magazines away of wet parts of your home can assist.

Pro tip: Use plastic containers with snap-shut lids instead of cardboard storage boxes in the basement or attic.

Furthermore, storing grains (such as wheat, oats, and so on) in airtight containers helps lessen the likelihood of silverfish feeding in the kitchen.

·      Vacuuming can offer temporary relief from an infestation of silverfish.

·      Before taking care of damage inside your home, seal cracks and fix damage outdoors on siding, windows, and doors.

·      Reduce moisture by keeping an eye out for any leaking pipes and rotting wood that can be the source of a silverfish infestation.

Install a dehumidifier if there are signs of moisture accumulation.

However, despite the fact that these tips might be helpful temporarily, your safest solutions for dealing with silverfish is to call the professionals. CITY & SUBURBS PEST CONTROL LLC can help you here, so call us today and get rid of those silverfish once and for all!


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